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澳门赌场官网澳门赌场官网事务所可以出售或购买澳门赌场官网事务所, 或者是一个法律实践领域, 包括善意, 如果满足以下条件:
   (a)卖方停止从事私人澳门赌场官网执业, 或者在已经出售的实践领域, 在进行该业务的司法管辖区内;
   (b) The entire practice is sold to one or more lawyers or law firms or an entire area of practice is sold to one purchaser (either a solo practitioner or a single law firm);
        (二)委托人聘请其他澳门赌场官网的权利, to take possession of the file or of any funds or property to which the client is entitled; and
        (三)委托人同意将委托人的档案转让给采购澳门赌场官网或者澳门赌场官网事务所的事实, of the representation and of any client funds held by the selling lawyer or law firm will be presumed if the client does not take any action or does not otherwise object within ninety (90) days of receipt of the notice.

   如果客户不能得到通知, the representation of that client may be transferred to the purchaser only upon entry of an order so authorizing by a court having jurisdiction. The seller may disclose to the court 在相机 information relating to the representation only to the extent necessary to obtain an order authorizing the transfer of a file.

   一旦客户同意将客户的档案转交给采购澳门赌场官网澳门赌场官网事务所, 资金和代理或客户未能在通知发出后九十(90)天内采取行动或以其他方式提出异议, 然后采购澳门赌场官网负责客户的事务。.



   [1]澳门赌场官网执业是一种职业,而不仅仅是一门生意. 客户不是可以随意买卖的商品. 根据这条规则, 当一名澳门赌场官网或整个事务所停止执业时, 或停止在某一法律领域执业, 其他澳门赌场官网或事务所接手代理, the selling lawyer or firm may obtain compensation for the reasonable value of the practice as may withdrawing partners of law firms. 见规则5.4和5.6.

   [2]要求所有的私人执业, 或者所有的实践领域, 如果卖方善意地完成了整个惯例,则被卖方满意, 或者练习的领域, 可供出售给购买者. The fact that a number of the seller’s clients decide not to be represented by the purchasers but take their matters elsewhere, 因此, 不会导致违规. 由于意外情况的变化而返回私人执业并不一定会导致违规. 例如, a lawyer who has sold the practice to accept an appointment to judicial office does not violate the requirement that the sale be attendant to cessation of practice if the lawyer later resumes private practice upon being defeated in a contested or a retention election for the office or resigns from a judiciary position.
   [3] The requirement that the seller cease to engage in the private practice of law does not prohibit employment as a lawyer on the staff of a public agency or a legal services entity that provides legal services to the poor, 或者作为企业的内部法律顾问.
   [4] The rule permits a sale of an entire practice attendant upon 退休 from the private practice of law within the jurisdiction. 它的规定, 因此, 迁居到另一个州出售事务所的澳门赌场官网.
   [5]这条规定还允许澳门赌场官网澳门赌场官网事务所出售其业务范围, 虽然, 与美国澳门赌场官网协会示范规则和该规则关于销售整个业务的规定形成对比, 一个执业区域只能出售给单一购买者. 如果某一执业领域被出售,而该澳门赌场官网仍在积极执业, 澳门赌场官网必须停止接受被出售的执业领域内的任何事项, either as counsel or co-counsel or by assuming joint responsibility for a matter in connection with the division of a fee with another lawyer as would otherwise be permitted by 规则1.5(e). 例如, a lawyer with a substantial number of estate planning matters and a substantial number of probate administration cases may sell the estate planning portion of the practice but remain in the practice of law by concentrating on probate administration; 然而, 此后,该从业员不得接受任何遗产规划事宜. 尽管离开司法管辖区的澳门赌场官网通常会出售整个业务, 这条规则允许澳门赌场官网将销售限制在执业的一个或多个领域, 从而保留澳门赌场官网在未出售的业务领域继续执业的权利.

   [6]该规则要求卖方将其全部业务或整个业务区域出售. The prohibition against sale of less than an entire practice area protects those clients whose matters are less lucrative and who might find it difficult to secure other counsel if a sale could be limited to substantial fee-generating matters. 采购商必须在业务或业务范围内承担所有客户事务, 经客户同意. 这个要求被满足了, 然而, 即使买方由于利益冲突而无法承担特定客户事务.

   [7] Negotiations between seller and prospective purchaser prior to disclosure of information relating to a specific representation of an identifiable client no more violate the confidentiality provisions of 规则1.而不是就可能的联合澳门赌场官网或公司合并进行初步讨论, 这方面不需要客户同意. 向买方提供与代理和文件相关的客户特定信息, 然而, 需要客户同意. 该规则规定,在卖方向买方披露该等资料之前, 客户必须收到有关拟出售的实际书面通知, 包括买家的身份, 并且必须被告知,同意或作出其他安排的决定必须在90天内作出. 如果在这段时间内没有收到客户的任何消息, 假定已同意出售, and the purchasing attorney is thereafter responsible for all aspects of the client representation for which the selling lawyer or law firm previously had responsibility. 只要客户不反对或另有指示, the transfer of the representation includes the transfer of client funds or property held by the selling lawyer or law firm directly to the purchasing lawyer or law firm; the contrary guidance contained on the issue of client funds or property in D.C. 法律伦理委员会意见294未被采纳. The provision concerning transfer of the representation is added to the ABA Model Rule to ensure that clients are fully aware and fully protected when a lawyer or law firm sells a law practice.
   [8] A lawyer or law firm ceasing to practice cannot be required to remain in practice because some clients cannot be given actual notice of the proposed purchase. 自 these clients cannot themselves consent to the purchase or direct any other disposition of their files and of the representation generally, 该规则要求有管辖权的法院下令授权其转移或其他处置. 可以预期,法院将决定是否已尽了合理的努力寻找委托人, and whether the absent client’s legitimate interests will be served by authorizing the transfer of the file and representation so that the purchaser may continue the representation. 为了保护客户的机密,必须考虑法院命令的请求 在相机.
   [9]客户自主的所有要素, 包括委托人有权解雇澳门赌场官网并将代理委托给他人, 生存的销售业务或业务区域.

   [10]销售活动的资金来源不得是向执业客户收取的费用的增加. 买方必须遵守卖方和客户之间关于费用和工作范围的现有安排. 采购澳门赌场官网必须遵守有关费用安排的所有现行规则, 例如规则1.5.

   [11] Lawyers participating in the sale of a law practice or a practice area are subject to the ethical standards applicable to involving another lawyer in the representation of a client. 这些包括, 例如, the seller’s obligation to exercise competence in identifying a purchaser qualified to assume the practice and the purchaser’s obligation to undertake the representation competently (看到 规则1.1); the obligation to avoid disqualifying conflicts, 并确保客户对那些可以同意的冲突的知情同意(见规则1).7关于冲突和规则1.0(e) for the definition of informed consent); and the obligation to protect information relating to the representation (看到 规则 1.6和1.9).
   [12] If approval of the substitution of the purchasing lawyer for the selling lawyer is required by the rules of any tribunal in which a matter is pending, 有关事宜须在获批准后才可列入出售(看到 规则1.16).

   [13]本规定适用于出售已故、残疾或失踪澳门赌场官网澳门赌场官网执业资格. 因此,卖方可由不受本规则约束的非澳门赌场官网代表代表. 自, 然而, 澳门赌场官网不得参与不符合本条规定的澳门赌场官网执业资格的买卖, 卖方的代表以及采购澳门赌场官网可能会确保他们得到满足.
   [14]加入或退出法律合伙或专业协会, 退休, 计划及类似安排, 以及出售澳门赌场官网事务所的有形资产, 不构成受此规则约束的买卖.
   [15] This rule does not apply to the transfers of legal representation between lawyers when such transfers are unrelated to the sale of a practice or an area of practice.


   [16]〔16〕本规则一般遵循D . D .所表达的关于出售法律业务的讨论和观点.C. 澳门赌场官网协会法律道德委员会意见294. 该意见的规定与本规则和评论并不抵触,仍然是适当的指导.
